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Ways to Use Epoxy Resin

Ways to Use Epoxy Resin

Epoxy resin is a material created from a chemical reaction between resin and hardener. The result is a solid, plastic-like material that hardens to a glossy, transparent surface. While it has a variety of practical uses, including countertops and floors, epoxy resin is becoming increasingly popular for use in creative projects of all kinds. Here are a few examples of how to use this versatile medium.


Furniture makers love epoxy resin for the high-gloss shine it gives tabletops and other surfaces. It can either be left clear or dyed one or more colors to accent decor. Some furniture artists even embed coins, shells, and other small items into the epoxy resin before it hardens, for a personalized touch. It can even be poured over fabric from a wedding dress or other special garment to be forever preserved and enjoyed every day.


Since epoxy resin takes color well, it’s an excellent medium for painting. With just a hint of pigment and a few separate cups of epoxy resin, colors come to life. There are many techniques like “puddle pouring” the resin onto a canvas, swirling it with a spatula or stiff brush, or using a textured sponge, brush, or foam roller to manipulate the resin on the canvas. Other artists simply tilt the canvas to entice the resin to flow in beautiful patterns and swirls.


Epoxy resin jewelry is simple to make and offers nearly endless possibilities for creative variations. It requires a simple silicon mold, jewelry hardware, and some pigments and fillers. Try adding beads or glitter to the epoxy resin for a fun effect. Use a toothpick to spread fillers around evenly inside the mold. Any air bubbles that form can easily be removed by directing hot air from a heat gun at the mold until bubbles disappear.

Clear coating for art projects

Epoxy resin adds an elegant, shiny coating to delicate projects like sculpture, paintings, and even wood. It not only creates a smooth, finished surface, but it protects the art from wear and tear, preserving its original details and color. It also makes an excellent adhesive to bind art materials together without compromising the look of the project.

Preserved flowers

The only unfortunate thing about live flowers is that they eventually die. By preserving them in epoxy resin, however, flowers can be enjoyed for years to come. Pressed flowers from weddings, proms, and other special life events will make a touching reminder when preserved in resin and displayed in a wall hanging, tabletop, or paperweight. At the height of autumn, when the leaves are their most brilliant, preserve some in epoxy resin as indoor decorations to enjoy all year long.


There are endless ways to use epoxy resin to make beautiful decorations, memorable gifts, and useful household items. With a little practice, it’s easy to turn virtually anything into a lasting work of art.




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